Family Feud December 18 2016 (12/18/2016) Full HD.
The two "families", which consist of five members each, represents a
current or previously aired ABS-CBN
The primary rule changes for this version as compared to most
versions worldwide relates to scoring and
winning the game. The first two rounds are single value rounds, but
the final two rounds are double value
rounds (there is no triple value round).
The 300 points to win rule is not used; instead, as was the case in
the 1999-2003 United States version, the
family with more points after the fourth round wins the game. The
winning family will receive P50,000 plus
the total points gathered for four rounds. (Example: if winning
family gathered total of 400 points for 4
rounds x 100 pesos/point = P40,000. therefore, the winning family
will receive P90,000)
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